Camp Chisomo Bathhouse Project
As we continue to change the reality of the community we serve, having grown the number of kids from 20 to 500 and the frequency of Camp Chisomo activities from two weeks in a year to every day of the year, we have reached a point where we have to put up a proper sanitation facility.
Our next project will be a massive factor in curbing water borne diseases in the area. With proper toilets, running water from an overhead tank and a pump in one of our wells, these children will be able to go to a bathroom in a dignified manner. A septic system will ensure that the waste from the bathrooms will stay contained in the rainy season and not splashed out from pit latrines as stands the current situation.
The bathhouse project will cost $15,000 and will bring proper sanitation, improved health systems, and priceless dignity to the children at Camp Chisomo.